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In addition to our closed Facebook group where our admin offers a safe and welcoming space for parent carers to seek advice and support we can also provide the following:-


Black Coffee
Coffee and a Blether

The group currently meets at the Ex Servicemen’s Club, High Street, Elgin where we offer a drop-in service between the hours of 10 – 12 every second Thursday.


During these meetings we usually have tea/coffee and tray bakes, which are usually home baked.


These friendly meetings offer a chance to get away from our roles as carers, meet like-minded people and a chance to blether and get support from the group.


We also try and tailor these meetings to provide the assistance our members are looking for and often have outside speakers.


Although these meetings are primarily aimed  at parent carers, in order that members don’t miss out, we provide some games and activities for those who, for whatever reason, need to bring their children along.


Group Discussion
Peer Support

Peer support can be classed as individuals who share significant life experiences with the support partner.


Peer supporters use their own experiences to understand and have empathy with the partner.


By providing peer support we work to increase self-awareness of the individual, confidence and assertiveness so the individual can feel empowered to speak for themselves and their loved ones.


All our committee members and volunteers have children with disabilities.  This means that we understand the problems our members sometimes face in their roles as parents & carers.


Because of the difficulties faced with education, local authority, health etc,  several members of the committee have undertaken training in Peer Support, so we can offer the best support to our members.


Person Centred Planning

Person Centred Planning is an on-going problem-solving process that places the subject person at its center.  It invites the subject person’s friends and family to enroll in their life and in the process to focus positively on the individual so that they can achieve their goals or dreams.


Although this can be used for any reason where a plan is needed, it was originally developed purely to allow people with disabilities to realise their dreams, no matter what these may be.


Examples of person centred planning include: -


· One Page Profiles

·Communication Passports

· Circles of Association

· Map

· Path


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